News , Press releases 07/12/2021
Lift Stations
From one home to another, the needs and constraints in terms of wastewater disposal can differ significantly. This is the reason why it is imperative to carry out a study upstream of any decision-making. It is indeed necessary to take into account the quantity of water to be evacuated, the number of sanitary devices to be connected, as well as the lifting height necessary to reach the sewer in order to choose the right lifting station without making a mistake.
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News , Press releases 01/12/2021
Basement Flood
Heavy rains or rising water levels can cause basement flooding. A flooded cellar or a garage filled with water can also be the result of a major water leak. In these circumstances, the water must be evacuated quickly for reasons of safety and hygiene. Humidity causes irreparable damage to equipment and buildings, not to mention germs that are harmful to residents.
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News , Press releases 08/11/2020
Sanisub Steel and emergency kit - flooding solution
Saniflo Sanisub Steel and emergency kit for flood preparation. Just plug in and the pump is automatically triggered by an adjustable float.
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News , Press releases 07/26/2020
Video of sewage and waste water grinder pump
Saniflo SFA has the SFA Group Zehnder pumpen high performance grinder blade technology in all the commercial underground sewage pumps and tanks. Also, in the SFA Sanicubic GR waste water floor mounted pumping stations. This video demonstrates the ability of this amazing blade system.
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News , Press releases 07/24/2020
Waste water pumps for sewage - Pumping Stations
Watch this video and you will get a quick view of Saniflo SFA waste water and sewage pumps. These pumping stations are designed to be floor mounted and pump large volumes of sewage waste water. Other sewage underground pumping systems are also available. See our Sanicubic range of sewage and waste water pumps. Please contact us at Sanirish for further details.
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